The role of a CEO is unlike any other. As the leader of your organization, your responsibilities are threefold: make crucial decisions, drive the business forward, and develop future leaders. Dr. Liinda Henman helps CEOs excel in all three areas.
Why CEOs Need Coaching
According to the Harvard Business Review, two-thirds of CEOs don’t receive external feedback on their leadership, yet almost all would welcome guidance from a coach specializing in executive development. With Linda, you gain an experienced partner with no hidden agendas, no personal judgment—just trusted, expert advice tailored to your goals.
Linda combines proven tools, validated methodologies, and a track record of success to provide CEOs with:
A coaching relationship that encompasses all the dimensions that influence decision making requires a coach who has both business acumen and expertise in human behavior—a neutral, non-judgmental third party who acts as a sounding board for your ideas. Linda is that person.
Linda’s research and experience indicate that once leaders reach a senior role in the organization, they almost always have the requisite knowledge and experience to do the job. But let’s face it. When it comes to running a business, everyone has blind spots, skills that need sharpening, teams that need motivating, and personal support to deal with the tough decisions they should be making, and that difficult “thing” they keep avoiding.
Linda’s highly successful approach to CEO development and coaching includes a strong emphasis on involvement of stakeholders, implementation of change, and follow-through to measure growth in leadership success. In the end the only thing that counts is effectiveness on the job as perceived by stakeholders. Becoming an agent for and a champion of change is simple, but it’s not easy. CEOs need a highly effective, transparent, structured, time efficient, and guaranteed process to take their performance to the next level.
Linda provides individualized coaching focused on your business growth. Contact her for a complimentary video call to talk about your goals and aspirations.
Call: 636.537.3774
“Linda Henman is the best coach I’ve ever seen. She combines psychological depth with great empathy, leading to rapid, pragmatic improvement.”
—Alan Weiss, PhD,
consultant to over 200 of the Fortune 500 companies, and author of 60+ books on performance“With Linda as my coach, I immediately identified my strengths and areas for development. This set the stage for me to discover new ways to leverage my assets so I could move forward more quickly than I ever have in my career. In six months I have already completed most of the goals we set for my development, but we continue to strive for more improvement. In addition to augmenting my skills as a CFO, I have grown in my leadership role and board of director responsibilities.”
Greg Hesser CEO,
Alberici Construction