Do your directors perform or simply comply? Too many boards monitor the details of compliance but gloss over the key decisions that will define the company’s future success.
Now, more than ever, directors are taking their responsibilities seriously, speaking up, and striving for results; but, in many cases, the evolving relationship between the CEO and the board has not found the right symmetry.
Perceptive directors and CEOs sense the tension. They recognize that just as past practices have failed them, recent attempts to improve have not always succeeded either. To recruit new directors and quell shareholder unrest, directors need to understand their roles better and go beyond activity and conformity to goal realization.
We can help your board in the following ways:
With Dr. Henman’s guidance, our search committee recruited an exceptional CEO candidate who dramatically impacted our organization’s market capitalization in a matter of months. In addition, he quickly strengthened our global industry role, while driving enhanced levels of growth and profitability. Dr. Henman’s insights were critical to our success.”
—Glenn Kalnasy,
Board of Directors
Chairman, Succession and Compensation Committee
Belden Inc.