People don’t robotically put themselves in harm’s way or upset their lives with social reform and political upheaval. Neither do they automatically champion organizational change that means more work, less stability, or relocation. In all these cases, magnetic leadership is required.
Magnetic Leadership™ is a form of balanced leadership that attracts, develops, and retains stars, primarily because the leader recognizes that a clear strategy is central to the success of any organization.
In this high-content, entertaining keynote, Dr. Linda Henman draws from thousands of hours of executive coaching and consulting experience to explain how leaders can become more magnetic by developing strategy, making more effective decisions, and developing the bench—all critical elements for improving performance.
Your remarks were very informative and helped hallmark our event as a professional development conference for air and space professionals. Thank you for a great presentation!”
—Michael Dunn
President and CEO
Air Force Association
When senior leaders consistently make good decisions, little else matters; when they make bad decisions, nothing else matters. Effective decision-making, therefore, stands at the center of executive leadership, with a strong strategy and effective plan for execution as proof of its existence.
A breakthrough product, dazzling service, or cutting-edge technology can put you in the game, but only rock-solid execution of a well-developed strategy can keep you there. This high-content keynote will equip audience members with pragmatic ideas so they will head home with a rock-solid plan for mixing the formula for better results—which will define success for everyone involved.
Thank you for your wonderful presentation. It was both entertaining and information-packed. You’re a gifted speaker. Any group that needs a keynote speaker will be lucky to have you at the microphone.”
Elaine Floyd
President, EFG Publishing
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