Trust: 0 out of 12
Accountabiity: 0 out of 12
Decision Making: 0 out of 12
Conflict Resolution: 0 out of 12
Communication: 0 out of 12
Goal Clarity: 0 out of 12
Collaboration: 0 out of 12
Leadership: 0 out of 12
Some individuals on the team perceive dysfunction. Determine whether members share common concerns or whether specific individuals experience the team differently. Whichever is the case, the dysfunctions need to be addressed.
Isolate the lowest three aggregated scores to determine next steps, and concentrate improvement areas on the most salient. If members score trust lowest, the problems may be insurmountable. In other words, this group may never function fully as a team.
Read “The Eight Functions of Teams and How to Leverage Them” (pdf file) on this site for ideas about how to leverage strengths and mitigate weaknesses.